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David Wen
Entrepreneur, software developer, management consultant. He once watched Parent Trap twice, back to back.
Interventions a life in war and peace
Interventions: A Life in War and Peace

Written with eloquence and unprecedented candor, Interventions is the story of Kofi Annan’s remarkable time at the center of the world stage. After forty years of service at the United Nations, Annan—who received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2001—shares his unique experiences during the terrorist attacks of September 11; the American invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan; the war between Israel, Hizbollah, and Lebanon; the brutal conflicts of Somalia, Rwanda, and Bosnia; and the geopolitical transformations following the end of the Cold War. A personal biography of global statecraft, Interventions is as much a memoir as a guide to world order—past, present, and future.

Source: Amazon
Not reviewed by David Wen.

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David wen avatar
David Wen
Entrepreneur, software developer, management consultant. He once had to break into his own house.