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David Wen
Entrepreneur, software developer, management consultant. He was once chased by a hippo.
The automatic millionaire homeowner book
The Automatic Millionaire Homeowner

How does an ordinary person with an ordinary income reach their seven-figure dreams? First they must own their own home – and do it David Bach’s way. The financial coach who has helped millions to finish rich is back with a simple, powerful solution to get rich in real estate. As David says, “Renters stay poor, homeowners get rich, and smart landlords laugh all the way to the bank!”

In his breakout 2004 bestseller, The Automatic Millionaire, David Bach showed why owning your own home is not only smart, it’s the core secret to becoming a millionaire. In his new book, tailored for a Canadian readership, he shows exactly how to make that happen with a simple, automatic plan you can read in an hour and put into place today. Renters will learn how to buy a first home, even with lousy credit and tiny savings. And existing homeowners will find out how to turn the roof over their heads into a powerful investment that doubles, triples, and quadruples in price while you simply enjoy living in it. And while you don’t have to be a landlord to finish rich, if you’re willing to be, David teaches you how simple it really is to buy a rental property even while you’re paying the mortgage on your home.

The Automatic Millionaire Homeowner is brilliantly simple, easy to read, highly motivational with a realistic, take-action method for achieving financial prosperity in real estate, starting now.

Source: Amazon
Not reviewed by David Wen.

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David Wen
Entrepreneur, software developer, management consultant. He used to put thumb tacks on his alarm's off button.