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David Wen
Entrepreneur, software developer, management consultant. He wears the number 11 on sports teams.
The wealthy barber
The Wealthy Barber

In this new and updated edition of one of the biggest-selling financial-planning books ever, David Chilton simplifies the complex puzzles of personal finance and helps you achieve financial independence. With the help of his fictional barber, Roy, and a large dose of humor, Chilton shows you how to take control of your financial future--slowly, steadily, and with sure success. Chilton's plan (detailed in an entertaining story) is no get-rich-quick scheme, but it does make financial independence possible on nothing more than an average salary.

Source: Amazon
Not reviewed by David Wen.

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David Wen
Entrepreneur, software developer, management consultant. He climbed Mt. Fuji on four hours of sleep.