David wen avatar
David Wen
Entrepreneur, software developer, management consultant. He used to put thumb tacks on his alarm's off button.
Bright Blue Sneakers

I got up extra early today, without help from the sun.

My bedroom window faces an endless ocean; when the blinds are open, nothing stops the crisp golden sun from piercing my eyelids and straight into my dreams.

I sat in my bed and glanced over at my Lego city.  I’ve done lots of work building the foundations of it.  I’ve laid out where all the roads are going to be, where the hospitals and shops will be built, and how many days it will take me to build them.  Other kids like to build spaceships and have fun destroying them.  Not me – not the future mayor of Lego city!  With that thought, I put on my fuzzy raccoon slippers and bounded into the washroom to wash up.

The streets were filled with other kids heading to their first day of school.  Since I was shorter, I looked a lot at their shoes.  I saw many nice shoes, though they only came in shades of black and brown… not very fun in my eyes.  Maybe their parents didn’t allow them to buy colourful shoes.  Mind you, they were really shiny shoes; all of them made sharp and hollow clipping sounds, as if making loud cries in a large empty space.

I guess they’re all in the older grades.

My brand new blue sneakers put an extra bounce into my step, even as I stood still waiting to cross the street.  I wanted to learn as much as I could at school and meet many friends that could come over and play Lego with me.  In front of the school, I looked up at the daunting height of it while kids in their brown and black shoes streamed in to the left and right of me.  I then looked down at my bright blue sneakers, smiled in secret delight, and bounded in the front doors.


Sun: “Circle of Life” ring tone alarm clock on my BlackBerry (complete with the “NAAANTS IGNONYAMA!!!” at the start)

Ocean: Lake Ontario (and it’s true that I can see it from my apartment in Toronto)

Lego city: the philanthropic and business ventures that I pursue in my spare time

School: the office of my new job as an Analyst at Secor Consulting

(Inspired by a book I read recently written from the perspective of a child)

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David wen avatar
David Wen
Entrepreneur, software developer, management consultant. He used to make his own POG slammers.