David wen avatar
David Wen
Entrepreneur, software developer, management consultant. He used to put thumb tacks on his alarm's off button.
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The other day my friend Andy came over and asked a fateful question: “Oh my God… have you ever played a game called LF2??”

The answer was an obvious and emphatic “YES!”

Little Fighter 2, commonly known as LF2, is a game where kids fight each other. Quite simply, you pick a character, and you beat the crap out of each other. Or, you can beat the crap out of the computer as you pass the five stages of the game.

Since it only runs on Windows, and I was the only one that had it (albeit running on my Mac), the three of us hunched over my laptop, each of us having 7 keys: up down left right defend jump attack.

This game brought back wonderful memories of childhood, where I often shared a keyboard with my friends to play computer games. Where we shouted insults at each other. Where we would deliberately screw each other over just for kicks.

Before we knew it, it was past midnight and we had laughed so much I feel like I did a bunch of ab workouts. Some people might decry the abhorrent violence in the game - and with children for goodness sake. I guess I don’t see that part of it. I just see the children in us coming out and enjoying themselves.

Pro-tip: type “lf2.net” when the game is loading in order to get secret characters and the “CRAZY” difficulty mode.

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David wen avatar
David Wen
Entrepreneur, software developer, management consultant. As a kid, he tried to train himself in the ways of the force.