David wen avatar
David Wen
Entrepreneur, software developer, management consultant. He started his first business when he was 15.
Mental fun

This xkcd post resonated with me.  Not just about fighting, but also about arguments, witty things I would say, or funny things that I wish would happen.  I’m all about visualization – whether it’s before a volleyball serve, a golf swing, or meeting someone important.  I believe our brains can run incredible simulations that can help foresee potential pitfalls.

I think this phenomenon is more commonly known as planning.  But that’s such a boring word.  And I actually think there’s a specific nuance to visualization that makes it better than mere planning.  Planning is like having a first aid kit.  Visualization is like imagining a burglar came into your house and you kicked his ass but in the process got cut by his knife ’cause you lunged in front of your cat to save it then going to the cabinet to see if you have the right materials in the first aid kit.  It’s probably easier to see what you’re missing in the first aid kit in the latter method.

Since humans are emotional we often don’t think as rationally as we thought we would when we were planning.  This week’s group project at DBC was to make a clone of Survey Monkey and when I heard about this weeks ago I thought to myself how I would approach it.  I imagined myself sitting there with such a daunting task and thinking how I would parse it piece by piece.  So when we finally had to do it, I felt comfortable, and the project didn’t feel so foreign to me after all.  Check it out here… but wait!  Imagine what it is going to look like first :)

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David wen avatar
David Wen
Entrepreneur, software developer, management consultant. He was once addicted to Minesweepers (61 seconds on expert)